December 05, 2008

Dear Fellow Traders,

I opted for suspending my Forex Blog. There is still nothing significant to post for me yet, unless I find some intriguing new ideas that put things into a new light. I'm currently not trading or doing anything specific, and have to find something new, before I can enlighten you. The old content wasn't satisfying enough to be online any longer (you may still find it in Google cache, or if you really insist you may request my backup zip).
Please direct any input to

So long



Frank said...


we are waiting for you to write something. ;)

Anonymous said...

Genial brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you on your information.

frevd said...


Krishna said...

Hello Matt,

it's krishna, are you still remember me?
me from whiteminds. how are you? and where have you been?
Still research the forex system?

frevd said...

Hey Krishna,

yes, I do remember you.
Glad to know someone remembers me :].

Well, currently I'm employed and doing not-that-interesting-but-well-paid work (SharePoint backend development).

My research in trading resulted in the knowledge that trading should have profit chances of 50:50 when done for the long term, strictly following any one system, and considering to have a fair broker (which doesnt exist).

I'm planning a comeback, and a serious one, using simple money-management rules. I selected a nice swiss broker and I got my experiences and a sort-of system (what you call research is simple pattern matching regarding actio et reactio).

However, for my comeback I'll need a rather serious amount of capital too - like 50k. And that takes some time, you can imagine, at least one or two years.

So all the while I can build up my skills in other areas of my interest, which is way better than sitting at the screen trying to scalp, right?


Unknown said...

hello matt :)

hope u still remember me ,

we chatted for long time on yahoo and the old group on marketiva with firestars and friends

since the time u told me u will leave trading for some time , i was searching and developing new concepts in tradings ,

wish u come again to trading world and begine to share ideas together

u r one of most beautiful minds i ever seen

take care freind

frevd said...

hey ahmed!

Thanks for the flowers :].

Of course I remember you. Yes, we had a great time exchanging weird ideas about how to bend the markets haha.

Well, I had to stop trading because I made a stupid step when EUR fell down from 1.60 almost two years ago, that wasted my practice account, and for the good, because I want to do it seriously, and in order to do so, I need a serious account with a serious broker. I think it's all about the lowest risk taken and the a high amount in your account. You can do day trading and relax, by now risking much but still earn what a day of work is worth (not just pennies, you simply cannot do it seriously with some bucks, you would always risk too much).

Unfortunately, saving 50k for my swiss broker of choice takes some time. I worked in a daytime job at a regular company for the last year, but that just takes too long. I therefore quit and plan to do freelance jobs while visiting the world which is more fun than sitting all day in the office.

So long, I think mid of next year I'll be ready to continue. Meanwhile I'm available via email (usmail4matt # gmx net) or msn or skype.

Take care

frevd said...

[...] by _noT_ risking much but still earn what a day of work is worth [...]